Called Home

Where BIPOC gather round the proverbial campfire to call ourselves home, one story at a time.

About Called Home

Called Home brings together BIPOC who embody love, creativity and transformative relationship to gather around the proverbial campfire and engage in the art of storytelling, explore new creative mediums for processing life experiences, honor our heart’s truths through story, expand our capacity for honest relating, and feel more at home within ourselves and with one another.

Founded by me, Kayla M. Walker she/they (you can call me Kay), a Black queer dream life enthusiast who loves to create cozy, vibey spaces for people to spend quality time w friends old and new, eat yummy food, laugh out loud, and invest in rest. 

For most of the last decade, I have worked in higher education, supporting students in exploring the question “who am I on this campus?” by developing communities of care grounded in holistic wellness, fun, identity exploration and transformative leadership for students of color and lgbtq+ students.

I never end the story at building the communities of care; rather I view the practice of community as fertile ground for relational healing and social change. By engaging storytelling as a pathway to honoring our own and each others' hearts, I encourage folx to transform the question “who am I?” to “how do my heart desires inform how I design a life that I’m proud to call home?”

In a nutshell, I am a dreamer, a hanging out enthusiast and a lover of life and people. I am thrilled to be in community with you here, as we collectively journey inward to process our life experiences through creative practice, get cozy w our heart desires, practice right relationship and ultimately feel more at home in life.

From my heart to yours, I’m sending sunshine! Welcome Home. (:

Why Join Us?

If it’s not yet obvious, I want you to feel at home here! Below are five of our top participation opportunities that I hope encourage you to call this space a home:

  • Receive themed storytelling prompts, musings and reflections to expand your exploration and understanding of your own story.
  • Fellowship with and learn from folx who share your values of love, creativity, and transformative relationship, yet have different life experiences.
  • Explore new language and creative outlets for understanding and communicating your heart’s deepest truths and desires.
  • Find inspiration, reflection Qs, and community dialogue to explore where different stories align with your inner feeling of home.
  • Grow a playful curiosity about what you would like to call home and illuminate your path towards embodiment.

A Gratitude Moment

Creating community spaces to gather meaningfully, especially during a global pandemic, makes my heart sing. I dream of the day that it's safe for us to gather in real life, at a beautiful retreat center in a wide open field with a community garden, outdoor showers, a nap room, and a huge kitchen for sharing meals (among other luxuries). By joining me here in the digital space, you not only influence the programming that I'd like to grow, but help fund the larger venture of creating space for us to do this in real life. To you I bow.